Close-up overhead shot of succulents on a table.
Succulents naturally propagate whenever their leaves get knocked off, but you can also propagate them purposefully at home.DuKai photographer/Getty Images
  • Succulents are one of the easiest plants to propagate because they naturally regrow from leaves and stem cuttings. 
  • There are three basic ways to propagate succulents: by leaves, stem cuttings, or offsets.
  • Propagating in early spring gives new plantings a chance to grow before going dormant in the winter.
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For plant lovers, succulents are a popular choice to keep indoors and outside. They're fairly low maintenance and come in an array of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures that cater to a myriad of tastes. One of the most unique traits is their ability to multiply through propagation, a technique that takes part of an existing plant to grow an entirely new plant.

"Succulents are perfect for propagating not only because it's incredibly easy but it's what they do naturally," says Jennifer Tao, owner of California-based Leaf & Clay. "If a succulent breaks or leaves get knocked off, they will typically root and regrow all on their own."

While natural propagation may happen from time to time, learning how to purposefully propagate your succulent plants makes it easy to expand your own collection or to create little "plant babies" to share.

While you can propagate succulenes year-round, the most optimal time is in the early spring. This allows new plants time to grow and gain strength through the summer and fall before the temperatures drop and growth slows or stops during the winter. 

How to propagate succulents from leaves

Succulent propagation station with a variety of leaves and one of them already with some roots.
Succulent leaves will typically root in their soil after a few weeks or a month.Ana Rita Lopes/Shutterstock

Leaf propagration works well for succulents with fleshly leaves, such as Echeveria and jade plants. These plants have easily-removable leaves that contain plenty of nutrients to start a new plant. 

When propagating leaves, the leaf should be removed carefully and completely by gently twisting it near the base. It's important that the leaf stays whole. Tao says that if it breaks or if part of the leaf remains on the stem, it is unlikely to propagate.

Once the leaves are detached from the stem, place them on dish in a cool, dry spot out of direct sunlight for a few days. During this stage, you are essentially drying out the plant and allowing  the ends to callus over, like a scab. Once the callous forms, they are ready to replant.

Using a pot or tray with drainage holes, spread a shallow layer of cactus or succulent soil on the bottom and place the leaves on top without burying the ends. In anywhere from a week to a few months, the leaves will grow roots which can be buried to start a new plant. These rooted plants can be watered, but be careful not to overwater them as it may cause the plant to rot and die.

How to propagate succulents from cuttings

Another popular way to propogate succulents is from cutting stem pieces. This propagration method works well for mature succulents that have long branches or stems with a rosette-shaped head, like Aeoniums

"You can take a cutting of any size," says Tao. "They can grow slowly so if you have a choice, start with one close to the size you want it to be." To ensure success, be sure to use a clean, sharp blade and make sure the cutting has about an inch of stem if possible, then remove the leaves from the lower stem and allow it to sit in a cool, dry area for two to three days so the end can callous over. 

Put the cutting into a well-draining pot filled with cactus or succulent soil and place it in an area that gets bright light, but avoids direct sun. Water until the soil is thoroughly wet, and allow it to dry completely before watering it again. The cutting will root within a few weeks to a few months.

How to propagate succulents from offsets

Hen and chicks succulent with offsets or pups growing under the healthy mature plant.
Plant succulent pups and chicks after their ends have callused over.Christina Siow/Shutterstock

Propagating by division involves offsets (sometimes referred to as "pups" or "chicks"), which are stems, shoots, or sometimes entire plants that are produced by the main stem or base of a "parent" plant.

Dividing the plant will actually help the plant grow better, as it gives the parent plant more space for its roots and more opportunity to absorb nutrients without having to share them with their offsets.

To propagate using this method, separate the pup or chick from the parent plant by gently pulling them apart — if they are connected by a stem, cut it away with a sharp sterilized knife. 

Similar to cuttings, put the offsets aside in a cool, dry place away from the sun for a couple of days, until the ends callous over. They can then be planted into a pot with drainage holes, filled with cactus or succulent soil, and watered, allowing the new plant to take root and grow. Like the other propagated plants above, keep them well-drained with adequate light exposure, but avoid full sun.

Insider's takeaway

Propagation is an easy and affordable way to expand a succulent collection or to create plants to share. Whether you're working with leaves, cuttings, or offsets, the formula is fairly similar — let the cut ends "heal" before replanting them into soil and gently tending to them with just enough water and sun. While it may take a little bit of trial and error, successful propagation can result in a bounty of these enduring and timeless plants to enjoy for years to come.

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